What a time to be living...I cant remember a time in my life where I have heard so much bad news in such a short period of time. There are so many people struggling in our country. Job loss, debt, and forclosure has touched every American in some form or another. Will these struggles be something we discuss with our grandchildren, just like our grandparents discussed the "great depression" with us?
The great depression impacted the American people in a lot of ways. Certainly it impacted people negatively, from a financial standpoint, but what about the positives? The great depression taught people that God and family were the most important things. The GD taught people how to spend(Cash-no credit), how to save and how to prepare for tomorrow.
Did Americans simply forget about how hard those times were? I think so...What else could explain our current financial state? I want to make sure that I am teaching my children about the significance about what is going on around them. I want to teach them that their relationship with their God and their family is more important than the things they acquire. I want teach them to save, and to use cash. Times are tough, but what can we learn from them? Just a thought.
Good post. I agree. I hope others can see the great learning opportunities from this time as well!
David, I am Brad's dad. I sent a comment earlier, but I guess it didn't take. I have come to the realization that as a father I have been able to do only so much in the nurturing process to raise up godly children. Another phase of that process is when they leave home to live their own lives. I have become more and more grateful for godly men who have crossed paths with my sons (and godly women for my daughter) in order to dramatically impact their lives for Christ. You have been one of them David. So this note is simply to say thank you. It's a little early for you, but some day you may want to pray often for your adult children to hook up with, hang out with and do stuff with strong men and women of faith and character. The legacy continues long after our primary work is done, and I am eternally grateful for men like you who have impacted Brad's life in such a positive way. Thanks for your friendship to Brad.
Grace and Peace, Jerry M.
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