Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sold out...To what?

Why is legacy capturing my thoughts these days? I am thinking that God is some way whispering to me that there are things in this life that are just not as important as I thought. I have spent so much time pursuing an illusion. The closer I get to that illusion, the oasis in the desert, the farther I am away from it. In other words its unattainable. As a believer in Jesus Christ , I will never be completely satisfied with what life has to offer without Him. My thirst will never be quenched by drinking from the well of the world.

I am thinking more about how my life in Christ will impact those around me. I am specifically interested in how I will pass my values to my children and their children, and their children. Perhaps I have finally given in to the fact that I will not be a Kennedy or a Rockefeller, and the inheritance that my kids will receive will have nothing to do with money. Good thing!

I am listening more to what God would have me do.. I have often told God that I am going this direction, and I fully expect Him rain down His blessings upon me, as I pursue my own agenda. I bought into the "Blessing candy machine" philosophy. Pop in a couple of requests and out comes a pretty packaged blessing, just like I asked. Maybe it doesn't work that way. How do I totally surrender to what God has for my life and the lives of my children? Is it about living the good life and getting the blessings we ask for, or is it about simply being with and knowing God no matter what circumstances we are in?

I have been sold out to the "prosperity" doctrine for too long. If I do the right things, act the right way, pray more, do my devotions, read my bible, sin less, work harder, go to church more often, give more, then God will grant my every wish. The genie will come out of the bible and fulfill me to my hearts content. So why am I not always content? Can I really control God this way? Does this formulaic approach really work? Have I cracked the code? If I simply do these things, will I get what I want?

God wants me in relationship with Him. He never promised me life was going to be easy, no matter what I do. The good life concept is not some sort of deal we make with God in order to get what we want. We cannot manipulate God, and if we are arrogant enough to believe we can, then we deserve to live life in the fog of despair and discouragement.

In short, legacy is a perspective for me. It's a lens I am looking through at every area of my life. It affects everything. Is my legacy the money or things, I leave behind in memory of some distant generation? Or is legacy God's footprint in my life, lived for His glory, to teach His future generations about Him? Legacy isn't about us, it's about Him. Something to think about...

1 comment:

Jason V said...

Hey David, if you still read this, e-mail me. I like what you wrote back in 2008. Jason