Sunday, December 7, 2008

Roll up your sleeves people...

Just spent 2 days with my children, my wife was on hiatus...Needless to say, I am glad she is back. The time with my children was awesome, but very challenging. I got a glimpse of what life would be like as a single dad. It's much harder to focus on the positive impact I should have on my kids, when I'm just trying to get through the day. I did however enjoy my special time with them, but know the power of a parenting partnership and how much children benefit from a mom and a dad under one roof. Legacy is not always about some reflective state out in nature, sometimes it's about rolling up your sleeves and being the dad that you need to be. Cooking a meal, doing bath time, cleaning up and giving plenty of hugs and kisses in the process.


Unknown said...

Good post. Amen brother!


Connie said...

Not only did you invest in your children but you invested in your "parenting partner" in a way that pays huge dividends. You let her know how valuable her time is and that you value what she does. You did it in a tangible way that speaks to her heart. You walked in her shoes for a time. We all love verbal praise but when someone appreciates us beyond that it means so much.
Way to go, David!
