Thursday, May 15, 2008

Leadership Though Legacy

In studying the the "Pastoral" Epistles, 1Tim, 2 Tim. and Titus, I was reading a commentary written by Vernon McGee, and I came across the following:

" These three words-love, mercy, and grace-are the little trinity. Love is that in God which existed before He could care to excises mercy or grace. God is love; it is His nature, His attribute. Mercy is that in God which provided for the need of sinful man. Grace then is that in Him which acts freely to save because all the demands of His holiness is satisfied. Therefore, because God is merciful, you can come to Him, and by His grace He'll save you. You don't have to bring anything, you cannot bring anything, because it would only be filthy rags to God"

I was somewhat caught in an ah-ha moment... I get so caught up in trying to do what is right and fighting that internal spiritual battle between my flesh and that of principalities, that I have lost sight of how and why God justifies His relationship with me. God loves me. Because I sin He gives me mercy, and He grants me overflowing grace in which to save me.

So you're probably wondering why I am studying the "Pastoral"Epistles. I was given this task by a friend who is discipling me in relation to biblical leadership. I have always thought of myself as a leader, but have I always been a good leader? The blunt answer is no.

I am faced with trying to figure out what separates me from God: I have narrowed it down to a few things-one of which is self-reliance and another is pragmatism.

I teeter back and forth from pragmatism(being totally results oriented) and controlling(self-reliant), to being a crying helpless child in His arms. I think God is teaching me that He wants the latter. He wants me to fully accept the inheritance He has for me. His love towards me is not dependant on what I do, but rather His ability to grant me mercy and grace. However, my response to His love, grace and mercy should be the good fruits in my life demonstrated by the way I live. I wish I could say this is always how I respond, unfortunately not.

I believe that in order to pass a legacy that is Christ centered, I have to be more like Christ. I also have to be prepared to lead in the way God designed. True leadership cannot exist without divine guidance from His absolute truth!

Please pray for us men as we lead our families in a world that desperately needs godly leaders.

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