Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Life is but a Vapor

James 4:14 "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while, then vanishes." Heidi's close friend Michelle, lost her twin brother to cancer last night, he was 37. His name was Todd. He was married and and has 2 very young little girls ages 3 and 9 months. Heidi went to the hospital last night after he died to console Michelle. I was upstairs when she arrived back home. As I walked into the kitchen to greet her, she looked at me with a bit of a blank stare and said, "40 days... It was 40 days ago that Todd walked into the hospital with a pain in his side, now he's gone"

It's really hard to know what the purpose of his death is. Why would God allow a young wife to raise 2 girls on her own? We are left with questions and sorrow. I'm not sure about Heidi, but it makes me think my family. What if it were me that walked into a hospital with cancer and I died? I am obviously reminded of how important it is for me to instruct and lead my family now, but it is also important that I deliver an intentional legacy in the event I should die sooner as opposed to later.

There is a comfort knowing that I will spend eternity with Christ... I pray that Michelle and her family will come into a saving faith in Christ Jesus. Perhaps this is the reason for their hardship. I beleive that God is going to do whatever it takes to draw his children to himself. Lord I pray that Michelle would accept you as Lord and savior.

Is there anything that you could pass to your loved ones, that would be more valuable than your faith in Christ? Christ should be at the center of our Legacy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a very fresh reminder of how fleeting life is. I love your new-found passion toward legacy, Dave, and your insight about the past and present impacting the future. Another way of saying it: Until we identify our wounds from the past, and pursue healing today, those wounds will define our future.